Church of Euthanasia

The One Commandment:
"Thou shalt not procreate"

The Four Pillars:
suicide · abortion
cannibalism · sodomy

Human Population:

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Dear Church of Euthanasia,

Greetings! We who are about to die salute you. I am making my final exit in a few minutes, after I post this letter and finish my suicide note. I guess the thing I most wanted to say is that it doesn't have to be unpleasant or sad, it can be a peaceful, happy leave-taking. While it's not for everyone, I really want to encourage those who want to, but are letting fear hold them back. "Here goes!" is my attitude. I expect pain very likely to outweigh happiness and satisfaction in my life. I believe this is true for the majority though not for all. The survival instinct is not concerned with whether I personally would be better off dead. It seeks to keep me alive and procreating. It is not my friend. If life were more a positive experience than a negative, I would stick around until infirmity set in.

I had my last meal, a quiche and an Earl Grey tea, which tasted great, and a walk on the beach. I called a friend who is not upset by my death wish.

I hoped to reread "A Death in Venice" (T. Mann), but it is a long ways away back at home. I can instead recall key passages. Highly recommended, as is "Magic Mountain," also by T. Mann.

I am putting Nupercain on my arms, a local anaesthetic, no sense in causing myself unnecessary discomfort when I apply the razor. Bleeding away in a bath, I will enjoy the slow fade, and the long awaited moment. (Bath water deep enough to suffocate me when I pass out).

Enclosed find a [$150] donation towards the [suicide assistance] hotline. Best wishes, and fond regards,

M. Wills

PS Here's hoping this encourages someone else (who would benefit from it) to take the leap.

PPS Thanks for the support, not that you convinced me, but I appreciate the camaraderie.

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